Thursday, July 22, 2010


haven't posted environments for a while, so here are some loose color/lighting studies for a personal project


Chris Palmer said...

You have a beautiful blog. So much great work!

These two pieces have so much atmosphere. What's the personal project about?

Justen DeKelis said...

Beautiful, beautiful pieces. It's nice to see some fully-colored illustrations on here. Keep posting em!

Wendi Chen said...

@Chris - thank you so much, i really appreciate your kind comment! :) the personal project is a series of illustrations for my favorite folk fairytale, the Chinese legend "Qi Xi" (Night of the Sevens). two lovers are separated by the heavens, and they meet each other on a bridge of flying magpies. it's a very ancient, beautiful story!

@Justen - many thanks! and i know, i know, i need to post my color work more... right now all the big illustrations i'm doing are work-related so i'm not allowed to post! :< hopefully soon though...

Chuang Shyue Chou said...

I like these. They are atmospheric. There is a strong sense of feel about them. You have given me food for thought.