Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conté on Canson

... is my new favorite drawing medium! :p started drawing w/ Parisian conté in late '09, thanks to a tip from an artist at life drawing. it's a very challenging medium, because unlike vine/compressed charcoal, conté is wax-based and nigh unerasable. definitely makes you slow down and think harder!
finally got back on track w/ life drawing after being out of it for so many months... now i'm really close to having a full sketchbook, woo! will try to photograph it soon, digitizing artwork is just so tedious to me :/

also, here are some corel painter brushwork studies... gotta keep up with this stuff or else i'll forget how it works. now if only i could figure out how to get corel brushes to work in high-res...

Sunday, March 07, 2010

one more because i'm forgetful

ack, forgot about this one! finished this when i got back home to the States... added some vague shading this time, although it's still meant to be a contour line study.
i started doing these observational contour studies thanks to a tip from an artist i admire, and it really does help train your eyes!! plus i think my lines feel a bit more fluid now...

from Beijing to Yueyang: train sketches

greetings all!! just got home a few days ago from my 3-month sojourn to China, visiting my entire extended family over Christmas, New Years', and Chinese New Year (Feb 14)! it was a pretty sweet trip overall, although the internet censorship thing got kind of infuriating by the end... Blogger, Youtube, Livejournal, and pretty much every website i use regularly were ALL blocked - which is why i've been MIA for so long! @_@

that being said, i think i set off a lifetime's worth of fireworks with my cousins over the last few weeks, heh~ ;D gotta admit, it was pretty incredible to see the entire city skyline lit up with fireworks!! i hope everyone is having an AWESOME Year of the Tiger; may all your hopes and goals for 2010 come true!

i've got plenty of backlogged art, so i'll start by posting this batch of contour sketches i did during a 19-hour train ride from Beijing (mom's hometown) to Yueyang (dad's hometown) ... been doing observational studies for many months now, so it's about time to post a few!

first sketch i made when i got off the train, this is my pretty cousin BeiBei~

i got these kids to sit still long enough to draw them... their mother was very impressed, haha ;p

man, you have no idea how happy i am to be able to browse art blogs again!! :) more stuff is on the way...