Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conté on Canson

... is my new favorite drawing medium! :p started drawing w/ Parisian conté in late '09, thanks to a tip from an artist at life drawing. it's a very challenging medium, because unlike vine/compressed charcoal, conté is wax-based and nigh unerasable. definitely makes you slow down and think harder!
finally got back on track w/ life drawing after being out of it for so many months... now i'm really close to having a full sketchbook, woo! will try to photograph it soon, digitizing artwork is just so tedious to me :/

also, here are some corel painter brushwork studies... gotta keep up with this stuff or else i'll forget how it works. now if only i could figure out how to get corel brushes to work in high-res...


Ken said...

Beautiful conté drawing! Just found your blog and I am enjoying what I see.


Jeffrey Lai said...

Hi Wendi!
gosh I'm always surprised when people give me compliments like that O_o

You have some beautiful work!
I esp dig the lifedrawing
great stuff!

Wendi Chen said...

Ken~ Thanks very much, I appreciate the comment!

Jeffrey~ Heh, don't be surprised, your illustrations are fantastic! And thanks for the kind comments :)